Mobile Universal Theater

Mobile Universal Theater

You can watch high quality free full-length Hollywood, Bollywood, English and Hindi movies. You can watch videos of top Hollywood, Bollywood, English, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi and Urban-Punjabi music. You can watch trailers of upcoming, new release, new on DVD/Bluray and new on Streaming movies. You can read entertainment news. Be movies, music or news, you are presented with all what critics rate highly, what is popular and what you like.

Access collections of free full-length Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, etc movies.

Access many collections of Devotional, Pop, Qawwali, Gazhal, and sad Indian language songs and Pop, Rock, Reggae, Rap, Hip-Hop and Country English music. You get access to collections of thousands of latest as well as classic music. Browse list of highly rated, popular and your favorite movies, watch their trailer and access services to reserve, rent or purchase them. Search music and movies by name of the song, the album, the movie or an artist.

You may listen to music when commuting to work, when working, when exercising and when relaxing. You may watch movies on weekends and on holidays and in company of family and friends. You wish to spend your time enjoying the right movie or music and not looking for them.

A movie may be a story about a specific geography, culture, language, period in time, etc. A movie may be a story containing a strong young or old male or female human or another animal character. A song may have a certain composer, a certain music director, a certain music label and a certain singer. Music has pitch, beat, rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, timbre, voices, dynamics, articulation, form, structure, etc elements. Our enjoyment of a movie or a music depends in a complex way on presence or absence of these and more elements. Over time, the Mobile Universal Theater App learns to predict what you may enjoy and presents these to you first.

Mobile Universal Theater App makes use of a large amount of knowledge and information. It will take you a lot of time to take all those into account to make your selection. Mobile Universal Theater App saves you the time and ensures you never miss the new movie or music you are likely to enjoy a lot.

In USA, you can check the availability of the movie or the album on Redbox (R), on Netflix (R) (soon) and in the local library (soon). You can access online stores to reserve, to purchase or to rent.

You can download songs and play them off-line. Download completion will alert you by playing alert ring tone. Your downloaded songs can be accessed and played when you like.

You can search for the nearest Movie Theater, ATM, Library and Restaurant. You can get driving directions to your destination from your current location.


High speed Internet connection is required. YouTube App (icon has red colored Play button) is required. While Best3 strives to give you the best experience. It does not guarantee quality or even availability of any item or the service.

Free Apps Free Full-Length Bollywood, Hollywood, Hindi and English Movies. Trailers of New Release English Movies. Trailers of New Release Bollywood and Hindi Movies. Top English Music. Top Bollywood and Hindi Songs.